what you’ll discover
Discover a panorama of Jewish study covering eight big ideas, loads of hands‑on learning and no subject taboo. Arm yourself with fresh perspectives on Jewish and contemporary issues, for campus and for life.
Topics Covered
8 Sessions

Define Your Self-Concept
Who are you? Why do you matter? Is it your contributions that give you distinction? Discover who you are, as an individual and a member of society.

Find Your Meaning
We live most of our lives in search of meaning - but do we ever find it? What is the motivating factor behind the deeds we do? And why does it matter? Explore what fuels you and what your role in Tikkun Olam is.

Prioritize Demands
With to-do lists that just keep re-generating, and endless demands on your precious time - how do you decide what goes first, second, third and….? Understanding the value of all things, can inform decisions and diminish stress.

Own Your Time
Do you ever feel like you are living on double-speed? Learn all about the liberating power of Shabbat, and the overflow effect it can have on the rest of the week.

Deepen Your Relationships
Have you ever wondered how to find that elusive relationship? Or how to nurture it once you’ve found it? Gain insights into finding and sustaining real love.

Maintain Stability Through Change
Just when we get used to one headline, a new one smashes our psyche. Find grounding in eternal truths that resonate through all the fog.

Live Mindfully
Make your life deliberate and mindful by uncovering soul-ringing anchors. These centering ideas will elevate your perspective and introduce authenticity into the daily grind.

Keep Your Eyes on the Goal
When life feels like a disparate hodge-podge of responsibilities, understanding the bigger picture provides cohesion. Breathe purpose into your life, by knowing where we are headed.

“It was a fascinating experience that left me with more questions than answers... I am equipped with the knowledge to ask better questions. Questions that will take me to the core of Judaism and ultimately how I fit within the purpose of the Jewish people.”
— Ezra Gershanok, Penn State | @ezragershanok58