Judaism meets luxury vacation.

Aug. 14–18, 2024
10–14 Av, 5784

National Doral
Miami, Florida

Exclusive Sinai Scholars rate: $199
Regular retreat rate: $2,625


IMAGINE spending 5 days in a 5-star hotel, housed in a scenic spot, with delicious food and luxurious accommodations.

Your days will be filled with your favorite sessions and classes, networking, and the positive energy of wonderful like‑minded people (over a thousand of them).

Hosted at the National Jewish Retreat, we give you Jewish learning that never looked sooo good.

Jewish knowledge and community in a first-class experience.



Getting to know your Jewish self can be exciting. And so can Jewish learning.

Our schedule boasts mind-blowing workshops, conversations with spiritual mentors, and plenty of team‑building and self‑discovery sessions, all thoughtfully crafted for you to gain real tools and live your best Jewish life.


Our friendly crew of student leaders and staff lead the perfect blend of mind‑body‑soul throughout your stay.

Here, you’ll uncover a clear understanding of your purpose, deepen your Jewish knowledge, and recharge your emotional wellness. Immerse yourself in the beauty of Judaism and the power of lasting friendships.

It is the perfect start to a lifelong Jewish journey.


With you at the heart of each day, our daily schedules are thoughtfully curated and offer a variety of options for you to choose from. Our mornings are spent at fascinating sessions of your choosing, and afternoons and evenings at workshops and activities designed to keep you connecting, discovering, and exploring.

Think growth, think friendship, think community, think you.


Beyond the sessions and activities, there is plenty of time to mingle and network. Together with a select group of 150 students, you will learn alongside some of Judaism’s top minds and an international community of Jewish professionals.

You’ll leave with a whole new bunch of Jewish besties.

Past Presenters

The Retreat has been the best experience of my entire life, filled with so much joy, love, and passion.”

Katie Resnick, Texas A&M University


  • Miami, FL

  • Set amid four championship golf courses featuring some of Miami’s most breathtaking views, the National Doral Miami offers the highest standards of comfort and hospitality. Magnificent ballrooms alongside friendly indoor and outdoor meeting places are the perfect backdrop for the retreat.

  • For Sinai Scholars? $199! Yes, the rest is on us. 🙂

    The cost of the program is $2,625, however upon being accepted with the Sinai Scholars scholarship, your rate will be highly discounted to the numbers below: A non-refundable registration fee for students attending for the first time is $199, and $299 for returning students.

    Travel provisions will be compensated up to $200 based on eligibility.

  • Any Sinai Scholar up to two years after graduating college.

  • The Sinai Scholars Retreat, including program costs, room, and board, is being offered with a significant scholarship to a limited number of students from each campus. The Sinai Scholar Scholarship includes all meals, accommodations, interactive workshops, and exhilarating recreation in a world-class resort, a value worth $2,625! Travel provisions will be compensated up to $200 based on eligibility.

    Returning students do not qualify for the travel stipend.

  • All students are required to submit their travel documents by (date TBA), to be eligible for the travel stipend. Please email your travel receipt to retreat@sinaischolars.com. Travel reimbursements will be given on the last day of the program after the last session. Anyone leaving early will forfeit the reimbursement.

    *Returning students do not qualify for the travel stipend.

  • Cancelations must be sent to Retreat@SinaiScholars.com.

    The Sinai Scholars Society pays to reserve rooms for students who confirm their spot. We will incur a loss for those who fail to arrive or cancel after July 1, 2023. Failure to cancel before that date, or arrive on the day of the program, will result in a $250 charge.

  • The program begins Wednesday, August 14, at 1:30 pm and concludes Sunday, August 18, at 3:00 pm. All students are expected to arrive at the hotel on Wednesday by 1 pm. Returning flights should depart no sooner than 5:45 pm.

    To better help us coordinate the student arrivals and for reimbursement please forward your itinerary to Retreat@SinaiScholars.com.

  • TBA